Our Services
Established in 2018 as a Wellness Leadership/Executive Coach, Personal and Professional Development firm specializing in:
Transformational Leadership Development Learning Programs, Team Coaching, Train-the-Trainer modules, Youth Leadership Development, and Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse peer support through the Behavioral Wellness For You (BW4U) Learning Programs (Wholly owned subsidiary of the Behavioral and Mental Wellness Coaching, Inc.), i.e., RAP FIRST (Real-time Access Programming).

What is transformational leadership?
According to Carol S Pearson, PhD, former president of the Pacifica Graduate Institute, International Scholar, and New York Times, Best Seller Author defined transformational leadership as a productive fuel of integrity of the vision of a leader. Developing future leaders is a priority and crucial for both the public and private sector organizations globally more now than ever.
BMWC has designed and developed its learning programs into seven topics, which are a necessity to ensure applied transformational leadership is present 100 percent throughout the life of an organization as follows:

Continuity and Succession Planning
Developing future complex adaptive leaders to ensure that there is a pipeline of talent ready to step into key leadership roles are needed more now than ever before. Our current leaders are retiring, moving on, or transitioning within the organization or community at large. Without a robust leadership development program, organizations risk experiencing leadership gaps that can disrupt operations and hinder long-term implementation of relevant, profound, effective, and useful success stories. We are storytelling animals and hardwired for stories.

Driving Innovation, Growth, and Transformation
Future leaders play a vital role in driving innovation, fostering growth, and transforming people lives within organizations. They bring fresh perspectives, different ideas, and innovative approaches to solving problems in real-time with supporting the organization's adaptive capacity. Agility is needed in constantly changing market conditions and technological advancements in highly strategic competitive environments.

Strengthening Resiliency in the Organizational Culture
Future leaders have the opportunity to shape and reinforce the organization's mission, culture, and values. By investing in leadership development, organizations can cultivate a leadership cadre that embodies the desired cultural norms, future state, and ethical behaviors to co-create wellness leadership, a common language, and a healthier productive work environment for all consumers and employees to thrive.

Membership/Employee Engagement and Retention
Courageous leadership and courageous followers are the key drivers of membership/ employee engagement and retention.
When members/employees see opportunities for growth and development within the organization, they are more likely to be self-motivated, committed, positive actions, and loyal. Leadership development programs demonstrate the organization's commitment to investing in its members/ employees, which can reduce turnover, boost morale, increase productivity, bring forth greater success for individuals, and the organization's impact in the world in this new era.

Success in Highly Strategic Complex Environments
In today's fast-paced and complex business landscape, unpredictable changes, organizations need leaders who can navigate ambiguity, lead change, and make informed choices in chaotic environments. Developing future leaders equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to thrive in such environments and steer the organization towards fulfilling its mission and desired state of a positive impact in the world.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Future leaders play a crucial role in shaping customer's or constituents' experience and driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Leaders who prioritize customer-centricity, quality, and continuous improvement can co-create a competitive advantage for the organization and build long-lasting relationships with internal and external customers.

Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Future leaders have the opportunity to drive social responsibility and sustainability initiatives within organizations. By instilling values such as corporate social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and ethical leadership in future leaders, organizations can contribute positively to society and enhance their reputation as responsible corporate and world citizens.
RAP FIRST is the cornerstone of BW4U and a
preferred choice in behavioral wellness learning programs (non-medical).
What is RAP FIRST?
RAP FIRST (Real-time Access Programming) is grounded in a wellness framework, experiential learning, research-based results, evidence-based practices, transformational language, and transformative practices to facilitate a process for solving problems in real-time in the areas of unprocessed feelings, thoughts, and actions at workplaces, home, and college campuses.
Behavioral and Mental Wellness Coaching, Inc. (BMWC) is providing a new paradigm for systemic and community-based approaches to transformational leadership development learning programs.
BMWC’s seasoned transformational trainers and leadership coaches with 100+ combined years of experience are ready to lead transformative practices to achieve organizations’ desired state. Together, we bring forth different observers with new eyes, new conversations, and healthier habits. BMWC training intentionally co-creates a space for a culture of progress.
RAP FIRST practices are widely disseminated and self-directed person-centered practice in the United States and internationally. Within this paradigm, we provide research-based self-help educational services, experiential exercises, and evidence-based practices for consumers and their communities to thrive in wellness sustainability and strengthen resiliency.
RAP FIRST is co-facilitated by clinicians and trained credential peers with decades of lived experience as users of global best practice services.
BMWC is acknowledged as the #1 expert in restoring hope, self-confidence, happiness, strengthening resiliency, and sustaining personal wellness.
We see nurturing and supporting individuals and organizations who are aspiring to become a better version of themselves as sounding a clarion call for a new world wherein thriving is the norm. We serve consumers both nationally and globally.
BMWC learning programs are offered as Train-the-Trainer modules. RAP FIRST is a human systems dynamic and manualized self-management system delivered in a self-help context for persons coping with life challenges.
BMWC's Unique Value Proposition
BMWC supporting and sustaining participants’ wellness is our unique value proposition by:
Strengthening your resiliency
Minimizing your negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors;
Sustaining your personal wellness; and
Discovering your life purpose, which gives BMWC an advantage as an expert.
Individuals learn to use RAP FIRST through a peer-led and peer-engaged group process that progresses in three distinct phases: 1) a peer-delivered introductory session in which participants learn about RAP FIRST and become engaged; 2) three consecutive days peer-led RAP FIRST development sessions that are six hours per session daily; and 3) ongoing RAP FIRST support groups. Experts estimate that up to one quarter of the mental health workforce will be staffed by peer specialists by 2030.
The self-management proven tools do not need a specific diagnosis for using these wellness practices. It is for all of us to assist with our behavioral and mental wellness and benefits of RAP FIRST, which is not a clinician driven approach. Anyone can access the evidence-based RAP FIRST, especially now during this new era, when everything is much more complicated.
Research studies conducted across the United States and around the world support individuals to restore hope, self-confidence, and happiness at home and work with self-management learning programs. The evidence clearly demonstrates that participation in evidence-based peer support services can help individuals achieve positive self-management of their lives (Buffington, 2003; Allot, et al. 2002; Scottish Centre for Social Research & Pratt, R. 2010).